
Folks, a few days ago, I talked with you a little bit about my experience in the State Department, and how that made me think about public service. We used to put a lot of stock in diplomacy. We shared our values and culture others around the world. Through radio, TV, and cultural ambassadorship, we practiced leadership through building relationships with different people, and brought that experience back here to home.
Representing communities here in Oakland County, I still live that mission of diplomacy in Lansing. It's how I get things done for my constituents. We need to bring that back to our politics, so we can continue making Michigan a place where everyone, no matter where they are from or what they believe, can succeed. 
Team Mari needs your help to build a strong outreach program here in Oakland County. Can we count on your donation to flip the State House in 2020.

Let's build this campaign so we can continue to represent our values, the values of Michiganders, in the statehouse. I know how to build coalitions and relationships to get things done. But, I cannot do it without you. Thank you for your support along the way, and I hope you can pitch in once again to help us win in November. 

Yours in service,

Mari Manoogian

Paid for by Friends of Mari Manoogian

Friends of Mari Manoogian
PO Box 1234
Birmingham, MI 48012 United States