As the country continues to grapple with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, our campaign is adapting to the “new normal.”

We’ve been working to ensure that we can still reach folks across the Commonwealth with Joe’s message of bringing new leadership to the Senate for Massachusetts. That’s why we want to let you know about a new opportunity to get involved with Team Kennedy – virtually!

Sign up to join our Kennedy Facebook Canvassing Program and help get Joe’s message out from home!


Normally we’d be heading out into our neighborhoods and communities right now — knocking on doors and spreading the word about why Joe is the best choice to serve us in the Senate. But that’s hard to do right now. So our team at Kennedy HQ wanted to offer you a safe online alternative to help get out the vote for Joe! 

Through our Kennedy Facebook Canvass program, you’ll reach out to your Massachusetts-based Facebook friends to open a conversation about who they’re supporting in the primary, and get them onboard our team voting or volunteering – just like you’d otherwise do knocking on doors!

If you’re interested in getting involved virtually, sign up here.

We’re glad to have you on our team.

— Kennedy Campaign HQ