Thanks to you, we're on track to build the resources we need to continue growing our movement to win in November.

Julie Oliver for Congress

Team, I'll make this quick. Thanks to thousands of grassroots supporters like you, our campaign closed the books on our best fundraising quarter yet! 

While we can't make the final tally public just yet, we blew past every single goal we set for ourselves. And now, we're on track to build the resources we need to continue growing our movement to win in November.

With the contributions we received from emails like this one, our campaign can register more voters, recruit more volunteers, and broaden our base of support across the district through digital ads and virtual town halls in the coming months.

It goes without saying, but I'm going to say it anyway: This is an amazing campaign, and I am so proud of our team and everyone in Texas and around the country who stepped up. Together, we are going to bring real representation back to TX-25.

Thank you for believing in me,
