Before midnight tonight, will you make a donation to show Roger Williams and Washington Republicans just how strong this team is?

Julie Oliver for Congress

Team, I promise this is the last time you'll hear from me (this quarter).

I just talked to Sidney, my finance director, and she shared the incredible news that we're only $914 short of the $30,000 we needed to raise to make this quarter our biggest yet. When you refuse to take a dime of PAC money, that amount is no small feat.

With all eyes on us after election forecasters moved this race into the "Toss-up" column, we need to show everyone that grassroots momentum is on our side. Reporting strong fundraising numbers for this quarter is a big way to do just that.

So before midnight tonight, will you donate $5 or more to show Roger Williams and Washington Republicans just how strong this team is? Every dollar sends a message that we have the energy and resources to flip this seat.

Chip in $5

Thank you for all of your support so far. I couldn't do this without you.
