Republicans have been busy these last few months trying to steer out-of-state money into Oregon: coaxing huge checks from corporate PACs, kissing up to Wall Street big shots at high-dollar fundraisers, and coddling millionaire CEOs as they complain about having to pay working people a living wage. All to put a stop to our movement.

That's awful.

Me? I've been raising money for nonprofits fighting to end institutional racism and police brutality.

I've been drafting and passing legislation to put folks back to work rebuilding our transportation and energy infrastructure.

Most of all, I've been listening to working Oregonians – that means people, not corporations, and not Super PACs – struggling to make ends meet in these tough times, and making sure that the government in Washington understands what we need to make it through.

Fighting for people. That's how we've built a grassroots campaign funded by small-dollar donations from thousands of supporters across the country.

Our end-of-quarter deadline is midnight tonight, and we need to finish strong. Chip in $7 now and let's show the National Republican Congressional Committee what we're made of!

Thank you for your continued support


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