This newsletter is designed to show you how HEC is strengthening and promoting education, arts, and culture in our Metro area. Have a pitch? Contact us! Email [email protected].
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Spotlight: A look at local businesses, art, and virtual performances

In this week’s episode of "Spotlight," we see a performance from St. Louis’ own The 442s, learn about a website whose mission is to support black-owned businesses, an internship program forced to go virtual, and much more.

HEC Media is excited to put our high-quality, award-winning work on display every Sunday at 9:30 a.m. on Channel 11. Tune in, set your DVRs, and stream all of our content free any time on


Why We Swim with Bonnie Tsui

What is it about water that draws so many of us to it for recreation, exercise, relaxation? Bonnie Tsui sets out to answer that question in “Why We Swim.”

Women Reshaping Congress

2018 was a history-making year for women in Congress. “The Firsts: The Inside Story of the Women Reshaping Congress ” follows the women behind the headlines.

Finding a shared history in Hermann, Missouri

A group of people from all races and backgrounds gather together regularly to share their memories of growing up in a small Missouri town during strict segregation. The discussions are honest and candid, and no one shies away from difficult topics. The group was formed by Cecilia Nadal, a sociologist and playwright who is passionate about cross-cultural engagement, and inspired her new play "An Amazing Story."

Loss of Fans Hurting Sports Economy

Experts say professional sports without fans, or a limited number, is just part of possible catastrophic losses for the sports industry in the United States.

St. Louis Zoo Reopens After Shutdown

The Saint Louis Zoo is open again! What do you need to know before visiting? What new rules are in place? How are animals being protected from the pandemic?

Boosting Black-Owned Businesses 

St. Louis activist Ohun Ashe is providing the St. Louis community with an online black-owned business directory,

“For black folks, we haven’t really had something that is just for us; that people could support,” Ohun Ashe said.


Life Interrupted at Art Saint Louis

This new digital exhibit presented by Art Saint Louis features 52 works by area artists during the 2020 pandemic stay-at-home order.

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About HEC Media

St. Louis’ four time winner of the Station Excellence Emmy Award and the world's foremost creator of distance learning, HEC Media is the metropolitan area's leading producer of education, arts, and cultural programming. HEC can be seen on Spectrum 989, AT&T U-verse channel 99, over-the-air digital channel 2.2, and anytime on

HEC Media's mission is to "Strengthen and promote the education, arts, and cultural communities in theSt. Louis metropolitan area."

For more information, contact Christina Chastain, Marketing and Strategic Partnerships Manager, at [email protected].

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