I thought it was important to remind you of who I am, why I’m determined to flip this seat, and what we’re doing to make it all happen:

Julie Oliver for Congress


It has been a busy and frankly overwhelming few months for all of us. 

Some of you have been with us for a while. Some of you just joined the team this month. Many of you probably don't get a chance to read every email we send you. That's why I thought it was important to remind you of who I am, why I'm determined to win this race for Texas, and what we're doing to make it all happen.

But before I dig in, can I count on you to help our campaign hit the $5,092 we need to raise by midnight tomorrow to make this fundraising quarter our biggest yet? We don't take a dime of PAC money, which makes grassroots donations from emails like this one all the more important:

Chip in $5

Here are the five big things to know:

  1. Austin and Central Texas deserve a representative who will show up, listen to those they serve, and fight the tough fights. We need someone in Congress fighting for everyone in Texas' 25th Congressional District – not just corporations and the wealthy few.

  2. I want everyone to experience what happens when our government actually works for us. I grew up poor. My mom was a public school teacher who cleaned houses to make extra money. As a teenager, I ran away from home and found myself pregnant, but thanks to the support of my community I was able to have a healthy pregnancy, and Nicki, my daughter, was born healthy. Pell Grants and Earned Income Tax Credits got me through college and to where I am today. It's something I've never forgotten. 

  3. Texans, regardless of their political affiliation, are hungry for real change. I've traveled thousands of miles across all thirteen counties in this district. Texans are ready for real change — they're tired of the pettiness, the smallness, and the divisive bigotry that politicians like our opponent Roger Williams try to use to keep all of us divided while they keep enriching themselves at our expense. 

  4. We're running a different kind of campaign. As I mentioned before, this campaign doesn't take a dime of PAC money. That frees us to focus on what matters to the people of the district, not corporate donors, and we count on support from people like you to power our efforts. We don't have to rely on focus-groups or pollsters to fine-tune our message — because we've showed up and listened to real people where they are. That allows us to focus on the issues that matter most to our neighbors.

  5. Our opponent — incumbent Congressman Roger Williams — doesn't want you to know this, but we can flip TX-25! This was a seat that the political establishment had always written off, but in 2018 — in a district that previously went for the incumbent by 21 points, and which was gerrymandered to be a 70-30 Republican — our scrappy team swung the district 12 points in 2018 to within single digits. In the process, we turned TX-25 into a national battleground. We shattered records in this year's Democratic primary — garnering the second-highest Democratic turnout of any Congressional campaign in Texas and for the first time, exceeded Republican turnout. Election forecasters are taking notice: Prominent election forecaster Rachel Bitecofer just moved our race from "safe Republican" to "toss-up."

For too long, everyone wrote off this district as unwinnable for Democrats. But in the coming weeks and months, we're going to tell a new story.

Please chip in to help us end this fundraising quarter strong. Every donation sends a message that TX-25 is ready to send Roger Williams packing, get Congress working for all of us, and make history.

Thank you so much for reading. But more importantly, thank you for being a part of this movement. With your help, we will show everyone that you don't have to compromise your values to win in a district like this one.

Now, let's go win.
