John -- 

I’m a big believer in SMART goals, like the one that our team set for our upcoming end of quarter FEC deadline:

Specific: $15,000 in online contributions is our target
Measureable: We’re tracking your contributions in real time
Achievable: $3 from you sounds reasonable, right?
Relevant: Strong FEC report = Strong Campaign!
Time-bound: Tuesday, June 30th at 11:59 PM is our deadline.

But a SMART goal is nothing without a team to achieve it. That’s where you come in: Can you help us finish strong and hit our goal by chipping in a contribution of $3 today?

If you've saved your information with ActBlue Express your contribution will process instantly.

This FEC deadline has taken on a new meaning here at HQ.

Ballots for our primary election hit mailboxes in about 20 days. Even writing that makes me a bit nervous because I know we have big plans to get Phil’s message out folks in the South Sound before voting starts.

What we raise toward this FEC deadline will determine how we reach voters in those 20 days. Plain and simple.

Let’s all do our part to meet this mark. Any amount helps, but $3 from you would go a long way.

Thanks in advance,

Katherine Swarthout
Finance Director / Achiever of goals