Alex is poised to be the next big win for the progressive movement, but we need your help to secure a win in 10 weeks.

Alex Morse for Congress

Friend, our movement for people-powered politics continues to gain momentum.

With victories in New York and an increasingly likely victory in Kentucky, 2020 is gearing up to be a historic one for progressives!

Alex is poised to be the next big win for the progressive movement, but we need your help to secure that win in 10 weeks. Can you make a contribution today to help us hit our $13,500 fundraising goal before Tuesday’s FEC deadline?

If you've stored your info with ActBlue Express, we'll process your contribution instantly:

Hitting our goal before this end-of-quarter deadline will allow us to report strong numbers in our upcoming FEC report, proving just how powerful our grassroots movement is!

We have less than 4 days until the midnight deadline on Tuesday, friend. Can you make a contribution right now to set us up to hit our fundraising goal?

Your contribution today — of any amount! — makes a huge difference!

Thanks for stepping up today!

Tamar Katz
Finance Director,
Alex Morse for Congress



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Our campaign has suspended all in-person activity to ensure the safety of our team, volunteers, and community members. We are relying on contributions from emails like these to continue supporting our progressive movement. If you can afford to give, please donate here.