Richard Neal and the establishment are desperately trying to hold on to the status quo.

Alex Morse for Congress

Friend —

FIRST: Alex entered this race to disrupt the complacency of our district’s establishment Representative, Richard Neal. Neal didn’t take Alex’s challenge as a threat because he’s a 31-year incumbent with millions in corporate PAC support.

THEN: Jamaal Bowman won his race against 31-year incumbent Eliot Engel in NY this week and endorsed Alex, building upon the progressive momentum that started in 2018 with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ayanna Pressley.

NOW: Richard Neal is tapping into his war chest to run Facebook ads trying to paint himself as a protector of working families. He and the establishment are desperately trying to hold on to the status quo.

SO: We need our grassroots team to step up today to help us reach our FEC goal and fight back before the primary in less than 70 days! Can you rush a donation of any amount right now? Every dollar matters:

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Thanks in advance for stepping up!

— Team Morse

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Our campaign has suspended all in-person activity to ensure the safety of our team, volunteers, and community members. We are relying on contributions from emails like these to continue supporting our progressive movement. If you can afford to give, please donate here.