This moment in our country's history calls for progressive leaders ready to fight for big, structural change. That's why I'm proud to endorse Julie Oliver for Congress in Texas' 25th District.

Julie Oliver for Congress


This moment in our country's history calls for progressive leaders ready to fight for big, structural change. That's why I'm proud to endorse Julie Oliver for Congress in Texas' 25th District.

To beat the Republican incumbent, Julie's campaign will need to make the most out of every single day between now and November 3rd, mobilizing as many voters as possible — and that takes real resources. If it makes sense for you at this time, will you contribute $5 or more today before Tuesday's big end-of-quarter deadline?

Chip in $5

Julie has such an inspiring story. As a young mother who grew up poor and was briefly homeless, she knows firsthand the struggles that working families in Texas face — and what happens when our government actually works for them. Programs like Medicaid, Pell Grants, and Earned Income Tax Credits made it possible for Julie to raise a family, go to college, and get to where she is today.

It's those experiences that shaped Julie's values, and her selfless commitment to serving others has been on full display since she launched her campaign. Over the past few months, Julie mobilized her staff and volunteers to make hundreds of calls to their neighbors, checking in and making sure they have everything they need during the COVID-19 pandemic. They've also been out in the community at protests for Black lives, handing out personal protective equipment, and listening to the people on the front lines. 

At the same time, the Republican incumbent, Roger Williams, took advantage of a PPP loan for his car dealership while families in the district struggled to stay afloat.

The people of Texas' 25th District deserve an accountable, bold, and compassionate leader like Julie Oliver, who will make their voices heard. Julie will be a champion for working people in Washington, and I'm so honored to join shoulder to shoulder with her in this fight.

Now, I'm asking you to join me in supporting Julie for Congress. She's facing down an important end-of-quarter goal, and she needs all the support she can get. Will you fight alongside Julie and make a contribution to her campaign today?

Thanks for being a part of this,
