Hi there,

It’s not often you get to have a personal conversation with a six time Grammy nominee. It’s even less common to have a conversation with that same Grammy nominee, but he is the one praising you. 

Sign up as a volunteer or donate today to get an invite to the Zoom call.

But that’s exactly what Moby will have to say about YOU this Friday, if you are a volunteer or donor to our campaign. Moby, who has worked with and advised some of the most important progressive politicians of the last decade, is lending his praise and support to us because he believes in our vision of a just world for all residents of Berkeley -- and the planet. 

We’ll be talking about the microscope that changed the way Moby viewed life and the world. We’ll be talking about how local politics is crucial in fighting the Trump administration. And most importantly, we’ll be talking about the historic opportunity we have in Berkeley to lead the nation towards a compassionate, sustainable future.

Donate or sign up to volunteer today if you’d like to join us. We want your questions and contributions. And please invite your friends, too!



Wayne Hsiung for Mayor
(510) 900-2277 | P.O. Box 2248, Berkeley, CA, 94710