Dear Higb,

Today is primary day! If you did not vote absentee or during early voting, please make sure to go out and vote today
Polls are open until 9:00 PM. Please click here to find your polling place, and make sure to wear a mask and follow all social distancing guidelines!
Here is a list of our endorsed candidates who will appear on the ballot:
NY-9 Congressional District - Rep. Yvette D. Clarke
43rd Assembly District - Assemblymember Diana Richardson
50th Assembly District - Emily Gallagher
51st Assembly District - Genesis Aquino
56th Assembly District - Stefani Zinerman
57th Assembly District - Assemblymember Walter Mosley
Civil Court Judge 3rd Municipal District - Stephen Burzio
District Leader AD-50 - Kristina Naplatarski
District Leader AD-52 - Jesse Pierce
District Leader AD-53 - Samy Nemir Olivares


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