Happy Father’s Day!

It’s usually Joe who makes the pancakes in the morning… but this morning Ellie, James, and I managed to sneak down to the kitchen a little early and get a special breakfast ready for him.

I’m not sure you could really call our final product “pancakes” — thanks to James, it’s more like “melted chocolate chips with a bit of batter mixed in.”

Regardless, I hope you’re all having a great day today, taking a moment to celebrate dads, grandfathers, chosen family, and anyone else this day gives you a reason to be extra-grateful for.

I wanted to reach out and just quickly say how grateful I am for all of the support you’ve given Joe and our family the past few months (and years!) Campaigns are no picnic, particularly ones undertaken in these incredibly challenging times for our country. But having you all by his side gives Joe so much energy, conviction, and hope. It reminds him everyday why he’s doing this. Because he — and we — believe in something better for our future.

Joe: If you’re reading this, thanks for handling pancake duty most days, for being a human jungle gym for two kids when mom needs to get work done, and for showing them every day what it means to show up for the fights that matter most.

Happy Father’s Day, everyone!

— Lauren Kennedy