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Hi ,

We're excited to announce that we've received Our Revolution LA's endorsement for Congress! Like the other candidates they support, we take no PAC money–we're accountable only to the people we are running to represent. That's what a public servant is supposed to be.


Our Revolution LA's principles align closely with ours:
"In the richest country in the world, everybody should be entitled to their health, a home, clean water, nutritious food, and an education. Our current disgraceful Congress can't even meet those standards of basic human decency. This revoluton will not only meet those standards but exceed them as we strive to uphold the values that this country claims to have. We will restore or democracy." -Our Revolution LA

Our opponent, incumbent Jimmy Gomez, has over $600,000 in PAC money ready to go. He has voted to fund ICE (H.R. 2825), he has voted against prison reform (H.R. 5682), and he has voted to increase military spending to $738 billion (H.R. 2500). We recognize that these times are especially difficult on our community. If you have income, please consider donating to help us unseat this corporate representative. Otherwise, please take care of yourself and your family first, and spread the word! We need every voice.

Check out to find out more about our policies, and please reach out if you'd like to connect.

Donate here

Thank you,
Team Kim

David Kim
Candidate for Congress CA-34, Los Angeles, CA
Join our social media and spread our message!
Twitter: @davidkim2020
Facebook: @davidkimforcongress
Instagram: @davidkimforcongress
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