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Dear Fellow Patriot,

I am in urgent need of your support during this critical time for my campaign.

I am the only pro-Trump candidate running in the GOP primary in VA-02 against has-been RINO Scott Taylor, who already LOST this seat to Democrat in 2018.

I’m taking my message to the airwaves on TV and radio in the district, but I NEED your support today to keep my ads on the air.

Contribute to my campaign today and help me continue to spread the word about America First until my election date next week!

The ads my campaign has already run have been a MASSIVE success.

We are now neck-and-neck with Scott Taylor, and have a major opportunity to strike a blow to the worthless GOP Establishment.

But your support today is critical to make sure I beat him to the finish line.

  • $200 buys me an ad on Fox News during “Tucker Carlson Tonight” and “Hannity” for viewers in my district.
  • $300 buys me an ad during “Fox & Friends” for viewers in my district.
  • $75 buys me an ad during the “Rush Limbaugh Show” for listeners in my district.

Contributing $75, $200, $300, or anything you can afford to my campaign today, will ensure that the voters in VA-02 KNOW I’m the only candidate in the race who supports President Trump, and the only candidate who can unseat radical socialist Democrat Elaine Luria in November.

Thank you in advance for your generosity!


Jarome Bell

Chief Jarome Bell
Conservative Republican
Virginia's 2nd U.S. House District

P.S. I only have ONE WEEK to keep blitzing the district with ads.

Chip in to my campaign today and help me spread the word about my campaign's America First message!






Copyright © 2019, Jarome Bell for Congress, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is: PO Box 6775 Virginia Beach, VA 23456

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