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Hello John,

We did it!

I’m proud to have seconded the motion yesterday to finalize the Purchase and Sale Agreement with SDSU. We’ve come a long way since January 2017, when the Chargers announced they were leaving San Diego.

Soon we learned that real estate speculators had been meeting secretly with city officials for over a year on SoccerCity, a monumental rip-off of an invaluable public asset.

I was warned by City Hall insiders not to rock the boat; that it was a done deal and there was nothing I could do about it. But I spoke out as the first elected official to oppose the SoccerCity initiative anyway. And I’ve paid a political price for ruffling some very important feathers.

But San Diegans responded with a competing initiative, SDSU West. I was proud to be the first councilmember to join them. Some tried to stop it before we could even vote.

When the voters passed SDSU West in November, most assumed that vote was the final word. But there were still those inside and outside City Hall who didn’t want this deal to be consummated, and they did their best to torpedo it.

Yesterday’s vote was arguably the most transformative decision our city has made since another city council, over six decades ago, made the decision to transfer pueblo land to the University of California.

Imagine how, in 60 years, another generation of San Diegans will benefit from this victory. It shouldn’t be this hard to do things that are good for San Diego’s future. That’s why I’m running for Mayor. And, on issue after issue, that’s why they’re trying to stop me.

June 30th will be the first major reporting deadline for this race. We know where the special interests are putting their money.

Can you please chip in $5, $25, $100 or even $1,150 to help us deal another blow to the special interests?!

On that note, several people have asked about the donation limits, so here they are:
  1. An individual can donate up to $1,150 for the primary election (Yes, you can still donate to the primary election fund!)
  2. An individual can also donate another $1,150 for the general election (For a total of $2,300 per person for the full election)
  3. Donations must be made by a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident (i.e., green card holder)
Contribute Today!

Barbara Bry
Candidate for Mayor of San Diego


Bry on KUSI
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