The Equality Act is more important now than ever.

Alex Morse for Congress

Friend, yesterday the Supreme Court ruled that civil rights law protects LGBTQ+ workers!

While this win is so important, we still have much to do if we are to reach equality.

That's why Alex supports the Equality Act. By providing consistent and explicit non-discrimination regulations, the Equality Act would protect LGBTQ+ people across key areas of life, including employment, housing, education, public spaces and services, and federally-funded programs.

Join Alex by adding your name in support of the Equality Act and stand up for the rights of LGBTQ+ people across the country.

The Equality Act is more important now than ever. Just a few days ago, the Trump administration finalized a regulation to strip the Affordable Care Act of its protections for transgender people. In addition, the new regulation poses a threat to all people trying to access healthcare who may not conform to social gender norms.

This attack on LGBTQ+ rights during a pandemic and during Pride Month is purposeful. This is an attempt to roll back decades of hard-won protections for LGBTQ+ people.

The Equality Act would enshrine LGBTQ+ protections into law by amending civil rights law to explicitly include sexual orientation and gender identity as protected characteristics.

The Equality Act passed in the House last year, but is stalled in the Senate. Join Alex in urging Congress to finally pass the Equality Act now.

Our movement is building change. Thanks for taking action today!

Team Morse

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