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Dear Fellow Patriot,

I’m tired of Democrats, and even weak Republicans making excuses for violent Antifa and Black Lives Matter thugs.

So I’m standing up for the truth.

How are Republicans responsible for “institutional racism” when Democrats control ALL of the institutions?


They can’t be.

The truth is, Democrats are the Real Racists.

All of the civil unrest, all of the rioting, all of the looting, all of the burning -- it’s all a product the bogus lie told over and over again by the far-left Mainstream Media -- that white Republicans are “racists.”

When I’m in Congress, the media and the lawless political left will be held accountable for what they’re doing, and I need your help today to make that happen.

With less one week until my primary election, I’m asking you to contribute to my campaign right away, and send a Black Conservative to Congress to address the lies that are DESTROYING American life as we know it.

It’s time to destroy the false narrative peddled by the far-left media.

It’s time for someone to stand up and tell the truth.

That person is me, but I’m running out of time.

In these critical final 10 days, I’m asking you to chip in $50, $75 $100, $250, or anything you can to my campaign right away, and help me finish strong in this heated race.

Thank you in advance for your generosity.


Jarome Bell

P.S. Democrats are sowing racial division, and weak Republicans are letting it happen.

I will stand up for YOU during these trying times, but I need your help today to make that happen!

Jarome Bell

Chief Jarome Bell
Conservative Republican
Virginia's 2nd U.S. House District

P.S. I only have ONE WEEK to keep blitzing the district with ads.

Donete to my campaign today and help me defeat Democrat Racism!






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Our mailing address is: PO Box 6775 Virginia Beach, VA 23456

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