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Dear Fellow Patriot,

Dear Fellow Patriot,

With less than TWO WEEKS until my primary election date, Twitter has suspended my account.

Check it out here

Silicon Valley leftists and foreign shareholders in Twitter are now DIRECTLY meddling in a federal election.

Virginia's 2nd congressional district is a Republican Seat leftist billionaires took from Scott Taylor in 2018 ... 

... and we WILL turn it red again in 2020, with your help

CNN and the rest of the liberal media beat the drum about the Russia Hoax for three years, running invented stories and made up "gotcha" conspiracies breathlessly. 

And all of it turned out to be a total HOAX. 

And now that there is ACTUAL Democrat interference in a federal campaign for U.S. Congress, CNN and the Washington Post won't cover it. 

Big Tech censorship of Conservatives online is routine. It happens every day.

Since my voice has been silenced online, I need your help today to spread my message elsewhere.

I’m asking you to contribute to my campaign and help me buy TV and radio ads to spread awareness about my America First campaign for U.S. Congress.

I’m taking on a RINO who already lost this seat to socialist Democrat Elaine Luria in 2018.

He has the GOP Establishment behind him, and now has a leg up since I’ve been banned from social media.

But I’ve got something better: YOU.

Join the Army of grassroots, America First patriots from across the country who have already contributed to my campaign, and help send me, an ally to President Trump, to Congress.

Time is running short, Fellow Patriot.

With 13 days until my primary, I need to know that I can count on you.

With your support, I can spread the word about America First on TV and radio across the district.

Will you chip in $5, $10, $25, $50, $100, $250, or anything else you can afford today and show me you have my back against the Globalist GOP establishment?

Thank you in advance for your generous support.


Jarome Bell

Chief Jarome Bell
Conservative Republican
Virginia's 2nd U.S. House District


P.S. The leftists at Twitter have Suspended my official Campaign Twitter Account. 

We must not let that stand! 

That's why I need you to chip in to my campaign so I can work around the Big Tech censors. 

 Then, watch this new TV ad my team just put together.

Every $250 you contribute buys one ad on Fox News

Every $50 you can spare will buy one radio ad during Rush Limbaugh

Please consider contributing to my campaign to defeat gun-grabbing, open-border Democrat Elaine Luria




Copyright © 2019, Jarome Bell for Congress, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is: PO Box 6775 Virginia Beach, VA 23456

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