Pro-Abortion Democrats Believe You Don’t Care about Aborting Babies as They Laugh, Wine and Dine With Missouri Abortionist
This Sunday morning, the leading pro-abortion Democrat candidate for Governor, Nicole Galloway, will "toast to abortion" at a "virtual brunch" with abortionist Colleen McNicholas. 

What a sad state for humanity, that people would celebrate on a Sunday morning the ability to kill babies. This is outrageous! Shame on them.
Pro-life Missourians will send a message in August and November that in Missouri we stand for innocent human lives and that we will fight to protect women and unborn babies from the abortion industry that profits from killing unborn children.
Through the Initiative Petition process, groups can collect signatures on a particular issue, submit them to the Secretary of State’s office for certification based on set guideline/requirements and once signatures are certified, the language is placed on the ballot for Missourians to vote on. Groups supporting Medicaid Expansion have done so.

Secretary of State, Jay Ashcroft, has to follow the law in processing all Initiative Petition signatures presented to the Secretary of State’s office. The Governor, in this case, can determine which election (August or November) Missourians will vote on Medicaid Expansion.

Governor Parson has called the election for consideration of Medicaid Expansion to appear on the August 4 ballot. See Governor Parson’s and House Budget Chair, Rep. Cody Smith’s comments and concerns here:

Missouri Right to Life’s Pro-Life Concerns:

Initiative 2020-063 would add a new section to the Missouri State Constitution, known as Article IV, Section 36(c) (the “proposed Amendment”). A copy of the proposed Amendment is appended as the last page of this article. There are six subsections of the proposed Amendment, of which two are of primary concern to pro-life citizens.

Subsection 1 is designed to increase the roll of persons entitled to Medicaid for their health coverage. Such maximization would enlarge the pool of persons who could obtain the abortion services that are allowed under Medicaid, especially if the Hyde Amendment were to be terminated, as many politicians are now demanding.

Subsection 4 would require the State to maximize the federal share of Medicaid expenditures in Missouri, which would negate efforts to create pro-life health programs with the State's own money.

This paper provides a summary of concerns raised by the proposed Amendment that all Missourians should carefully consider. Continue reading a complete list of Six Major Pro-Life Concerns here:

Life Links
Pro-lifers pleased with direction of poll results

Link - Polls continue to show the public is concerned about late-term abortions -- as has been the trend for years.
8th Circuit again rejects lawsuit filed by Satanic Temple against Missouri law declaring life begins at conception

Link 1, Link 2 - This week an 8th Circuit Court of Appeals panel unanimously affirmed the dismissal of one of several suits brought by one of the Satanic Temples against Missouri’s informed consent law.
Ten states ask to be allowed to intervene in support of FDA rules regulating “medication” abortions

Link - In their motion to intervene, Indiana, Louisiana, AL, AK, ID, KY, MS, MO, NE, and OK wrote to the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland that they “have a strong interest in protecting their citizens from the health and safety consequences that may result from unsupervised administration of mifepristone.”
Federal Court Upholds Trump’s Pro-Life Rule Defunding Planned Parenthood Abortion Business

Link - A federal court has issued a ruling upholding enforcement of a pro-life rule instituted by President Donald Trump protecting Americans from having to fund the Planned Parenthood abortion business.
Joe Biden: One Year after his flip-flop on the Hyde Amendment

Link - For all his verbal malapropisms and baffling sentences in search of an elusive predicate, Biden’s message is crystal-clear to the Planned Parenthoods and NARALs.
Abortion opponents protest COVID-19 vaccines’ use of fetal cells

Link - Senior Catholic leaders in the United States and Canada, along with other antiabortion groups, are raising ethical objections to COVID-19 vaccine candidates that are manufactured using cells derived from human fetuses electively aborted decades ago.
Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca Making Coronavirus Vaccines Using Cells From Aborted Babies

Link - At least two possible coronavirus vaccines that are on a fast track for development use cell lines from aborted babies.
Men shouldn’t be silent on abortion or be silenced

Link - Abortion supporters may try to disregard the arguments of pro-life men, but doing so is not the same as refuting those arguments.
Peter Singer Endorses Medical Discrimination Against Elderly in COVID Crisis

Link - The utilitarian bioethicist Peter Singer does not believe that human life has intrinsic value based simply on being human. Rather, he endorses a “quality of life” ethic in which some of us have greater value than others.
Pro-Life Around the State
June 27 - St. Joseph - Pregnant women are invited to Pregnancy Resource Clinic from 9 a.m. to Noon for free maternity clothes. They must call Emily at 816-387-8090 by June 26 to make an appointment. The Maternity Closet at PRC is located at 1502 N. 36th on the lower level.

July 11 - Jefferson City - Pregnancy Help Center 5K Walk/Run, 8:30 am in Memorial Park.

July 24 - St. Louis - Missouri Right to Life "FORE Life" Golf Tournament. Lunch/Registration - 11:00 a.m. with a 12:30 p.m. Shotgun Start. Click here to register.

August 4 - Statewide - Get out and VOTE for MRL PAC Endorsed Candidates

September 12 - Jefferson City - Missouri Right to Life Statewide Leadership Meeting. Details coming soon.

September 25 - Belton -MRL Western Region Golf Tournament at Eagles' Landing Golf Course.Click here for registration and more details.

November 3 - Statewide - Get out and VOTE for MRL PAC Endorsed Candidates