Roger Williams is not serving his constituents. Putting this video in front of voters will help us set the record straight.

Julie Oliver for Congress


I'm excited to share our new video with you! 

Take a minute to watch it here:

Screenshot of new video exposing Roger Williams' corruption

Before I explain the strategy behind it, I have to ask: Can you chip in toward our mid-month goal of $10,000 to help us reach more voters across the district with this important message?

Chip in $5

This video aims to expose an uncomfortable truth: While incumbent Congressman Roger Williams was railing against recipients of unemployment benefits, small businesses in the district were being shut out of federal aid. Instead of helping them, he abused his position and power to secure an undisclosed federal bailout for his car dealership in Weatherford. Texas deserves better.

We know that most voters in our district are tired of corrupt, self-serving career politicians, especially when working families are struggling to stay afloat through this deadly pandemic. But so many of our fellow Texans haven't even heard this story, or that there's even a viable opponent in this race.

In a news cycle as hectic as this one, we have to make it clear that Roger Williams is not serving his constituents. Putting this video in front of voters will help us set the record straight.

Can you chip in today toward our mid-month goal of $10,000 so we can put this video in front of more voters? If everyone reading this email chipped in at least $5, we could start running this video across multiple digital platforms tomorrow.

Julie doesn't have millions of dollars in personal wealth or corporate donors to count on, but she does have you. And together, we are going to beat Roger Williams in November.

Thanks for joining us in this fight,

Julia Doubleday
Campaign Manager
Julie Oliver for Congress