It’s infuriating, friend, and the only two possible explanations are incompetence or voter suppression.

Hundreds of people have been waiting to vote for hours. Voting machines were not working when the polls opened at 7 am this morning. Precincts have run out of provisional ballots.

It’s a repeat of the 2018 election when then-Secretary of State Brian Kemp was both a referee and a player in the game. Now amidst the coronavirus pandemic, the decision to shut down polling stations and pack voters into confined areas without the resources to exercise their constitutional right to vote in a timely way is both a civil rights violation and a threat to public health.

We’re outraged, friend. As we prepare for a late night or even days for results, as we prepare for a potential runoff to take on David Perdue, we must organize the largest get-out-the-vote operation in the history of Georgia to overcome this unacceptable voter suppression and win back the Senate majority.

Make a donation to our Election Runoff Fund with only hours to go before the polls close tonight. We have to fight back — there isn’t a moment to spare.


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Thank you for everything.

—Team Tomlinson







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