June 02, 2020
Dear Friends,
We stand in solidarity with the black community in mourning the tragic death of George Floyd, affirming that Black Lives Matter, and fighting against anti-blackness and racism. 

For years, the Black community has lived through policing injustices that have resulted in death of innocent black men, women, and children, which the world is now able to see first-hand with the growth of personal mobile devices. For decades, Black America has called for the advancement of civil rights and justice to combat structural racism at multi-scales of government inaction which has wrought disparities in public health and access to housing, education, and transportation. For centuries, we've witnessed vile racism and labor exploitation that has generated wealth for a few and poverty for Black America.  

Why are we advocating for the black community and specifically saying “Black Lives Matter?” When someone raises awareness about breast cancer, for instance, we don’t respond with “ALL cancers matter” because we acknowledge the attention they’re bringing to breast cancer. That doesn’t negate or devalue other issues causing pain. “ALL lives matter” has been used over and over again to minimize the black community and their message. Adding that to the statement would be counterproductive to genuine solidarity. This is an inflection point that has gone global and is a moment to show genuine solidarity with our Black friends.

If Black America can stand to benefit from this, so will Latinos. Let’s be direct and concise about what is happening. Sin pelos en la lengua.
This year is a heart-wrenching reminder that we must do more to hold the people in power accountable and elect leaders who can dismantle the structural inequities that have oppressed people of color since this nation's founding.
Thank you for your support in empowering us to continue to disrupt the status quo because the status quo is not working.
The Latino Texas PAC
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