From Chief Jarome Bell <[email protected]>
Subject Democrats Don’t Control Black Americans Anymore
Date May 31, 2020 11:46 PM
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Dear Fellow Patriot,
Did you see what Joe Biden said? Apparently, I “ain’t black” because I’m a conservative.

Sleepy Joe is dead wrong.

As a God-fearing, gun-toting, pro-life, closed-borders, black America First conservative, I’m just about everything the radical socialist Democrats hate.

But that’s too bad for them.

Democrats thought they owned Black Americans.

Little do they know, we’re waking up to their scheme in record numbers.

Help me lead by example by contributing to my congressional campaign today. ([link removed])

For too long, the socialist Democrats have looked down upon Black Americans.

They see us as lazy pawns in their political game, who can be bought off with the promise of “free stuff.”

But that’s not who we are.

We want to work. We want to provide for our families. We want to live the American dream.

I’m counting on you to help send me to the U.S. Congress and change the dynamic in American politics forever ([link removed]) .

Black Americans are natural conservatives.

We don’t want handouts from the socialist Democrats.

I’m here to spread the word, and to support President Trump’s America First agenda in Congress.

A contribution of $10, $25, $50, $100, or anything you can afford today up to $2800 will help send me to Washington to work for YOU, and show Black America that conservatism will work for them too ([link removed]) .

Thank you in advance for your generosity.


Jarome Bell

P.S.Nothing TRIGGERS liberals more than a Black conservative who supports conservative values.

Chip in to my pro-God, pro-gun, and pro-America campaign today ([link removed]) !




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