Did you see this message from our new campaign manager?

Team, did you see this message from our new campaign manager?

Bringing on Julia to the team marks an important new chapter of this campaign. Now that we're nearly five months out from Election Day, we really need to kick our grassroots movement into high gear so Julie can fight for the transformative change TX-25 — and this country — needs in Congress.

But we can't get there without your support. This campaign is 100% powered by individual donations and we wouldn't have it any other way.

We're roughly 91% of the way to our May fundraising goal, and your donation could put us over the top. Will you contribute $5 or more right now?


Team Julie



I wanted to introduce myself — my name is Julia Doubleday, and I'm Julie's new campaign manager!

Over the next five months, it's going to be my job to make sure that this campaign has the capacity and resources it needs to win. We are going to flip TX-25 so Julie can fight for the transformative change we need in Congress — like Medicare for All, a pathway to citizenship for the undocumented, an end to mass incarceration, voting rights, and for a more just and equitable economy.

I'll be sharing more about our strategy with you in the coming weeks, but today I'll get straight to the point: This isn't a campaign to move the needle ever so slightly or to push this district a little bluer. This is a campaign to win so that we can enact the change that this country so badly needs. That is going to take money, and we're coming up on our first end-of-month deadline since I joined. We must reach this critical goal.

Let's put up a strong showing in May so that we have the resources to tackle the critical work ahead in June. Chip in $5 or more before midnight tomorrow and help us hit our $12,000 grassroots goal.

Chip in $5

Before joining Team Julie, I took on tough fights with Bernie Sanders in 2016 and Beto O'Rourke in 2018. When I saw Julie's team swing TX-25 — written off by pundits as impossible to compete in — from an R+ 21 district to a single digit race, I knew she was on to something special.

June is one of the most important months in our path to victory, and we're going to see a steep increase in voter contact. 

In the coming weeks, we're mobilizing our massive volunteer operation to get as many unregistered Democrats as possible to vote. And of course, we'll continue expanding our supporter and volunteer base through digital organizing apps like Reach and virtual town halls on Facebook.

This race isn't going to be easy. Roger Williams is one of the wealthiest members of Congress who is counting on special interests in DC to bail him out. But I know that with all of you on our team, we are up to this challenge.

Will you rush a donation of $5 or more toward our May fundraising goal? We rely on grassroots contributions from people like you to fund our work, and there's a lot to do between now and Election Day.

Thanks for your support, and talk to you soon!

Julia Doubleday
Campaign Manager
Julie Oliver for Congress