Roger Williams can choose to be on the wrong side of history, but we can also choose to vote him out this November.

Julie Oliver for Congress


For years, Republicans have made it clear that they'll go to any length to support Donald Trump, no matter how bad it gets for us. 

You'd think that in the middle of a deadly pandemic, Congressman Roger Williams would act in the best interest of his constituents instead of rehashing the lies that Donald Trump and special interests use to discredit our elections. 

But I guess we expected too much.

Roger Williams tweet wrongly decrying vote by mail

Roger Williams, Donald Trump, and the Republican Party are terrified of making voting easier, more efficient, and more accessible even if it saves lives. And we're not going to let them get away with it.

Show Roger Williams what he's up against by making a contribution of $3 or more toward the $12,000 we have to raise by the end of this month. We can flip TX-25 in November if we have the resources to engage and educate voters during this uncertain time.

Chip in $3

Voter suppression in Texas is nothing new.  

Ever since Jim Crow — and indeed, ever since Reconstruction — the right to vote has been under attack, explicitly targeting Black and Brown communities. Look no further than the March primary, where voters at an HBCU in Houston waited up to 7 hours to cast a ballot.

So it's no surprise that Republicans are fighting tooth and nail to halt any attempts at expanding who is eligible to vote by mail during the pandemic, as other states have. Current state law only allows those 65 and older and those with a disability who believe their health may be threatened by voting in person to vote by mail.

And for what? A majority of Texans support expanding vote by mail for all registered voters due to the pandemic — including a majority of independents.

Roger Williams can choose to be on the wrong side of history, but we can also choose to vote him out this November.

I hope I can fight to enshrine the right to vote and end the attacks on our voting rights in Congress. Every donation to this campaign makes that possible — will you chip in before the end of this month, so we have the resources to win?

With gratitude,
