We have just 16 weeks to build on the momentum our movement has created.
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Alex Morse for Congress -

Friend, our primary election is just 16 short weeks away!

Alex is running for Congress to champion common sense solutions and to take on the ongoing crises working families continue to face in this country.

Solutions like Medicare for All, a Green New Deal, a federal jobs guarantee, and student debt reform. These solutions are already popular with a large majority of Americans, now it’s up to us to elect authentic leaders who will work to make these solutions into legislation.

We have just 16 weeks to build on the momentum our movement has created and inform voters about the roadblock to progressive reform that currently represents our district. We’ve spent the last 30 years living under the corporate status quo sustained by our opponent. This is our district’s biggest opportunity to shift the balance of power to the people.

Friend, we have a goal to raise $11,460 before the end of this month. That will ensure we have the resources to invest in the essential digital organizing tools we need to reach as many voters as possible in our district.

We’re 44% of the way to our goal. Can you make a contribution right now to help us catch up on our fundraising this month?


If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your contribution will go through immediately.



We have just 4 days before the end of the month. Your contribution today will set us up to reach our goal and be able to invest in building out a digital advertising strategy in the coming month.

We need your support today. Can you make a contribution right now to power our movement for a better future for our district and our country?

Thank you for being a part of our movement. Together, we are creating change!


Team Morse


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website is continuously updated regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. Please access information at cdc.gov

Our campaign has suspended all in-person activity to ensure the safety of our team, volunteers, and community members. We are relying on contributions from emails like these to continue supporting our progressive movement. If you can afford to give, please contribute here.


Paid for by Alex Morse for Congress

Alex Morse for Congress
P.O. Box 2486
Holyoke MA 01041 United States

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