Our Muslim community faced many challenges during the month of Ramadan. 

Eid Mubarak My Friends!


This last month, our Muslim community faced many

challenges during the month of Ramadan. 



While so many of us are facing food and housing insecurity from

the COVID-19 pandemic, Ramadan gave us a time to reflect on

coming together and building community. 



In the last stretch of our community care project, we delivered

to hundreds of families in need of groceries, so they could put a

meal on the table and break fast with their families at the end of

the day. In their darkest hours, no one has to feel alone. For us

who have been blessed to be fortunate enough to give, we did

so because we believe housing is a human right and that no

person should be too poor to live.



This is what the spirit of Ramadan is all about. To experience

humbleness and share wealth with our friends and neighbors

which creates a world where we all can live peacefully as one

people. As Muslims, fasted for a whole month. From dawn to

sunset, with no food and water, we get a small glimpse of what

the poor must endure in this broken system. In a country where

the wealth disparity between the 1% and everyday people is

greater than it has ever been, we need to end the exploitative




Since the pandemic, the rich have accumulated $434 billion

dollars at the expense of our suffering. We lost everything--our

loved, our homes, and our jobs. The rich are getting richer and

the poor are getting poorer. Rich people will never understand

the struggle of everyday people and our corrupt political system

has been bought out because of it. Making more than enough

money will never be enough for them because they don’t

want to lose any profit from providing workers’ rights,

medicare for all, universal basic income, and paid sick




It is in these values, that our campaign believes enough is

enough! We need a long-term agenda for working people and

not for the billionaires who hoard all the wealth during a global

crisis. We want to bring working class representation to DC

because our lived experiences during this pandemic matters! We

can shape policy that will fight for all of us, and not the

wealthiest few. 



Help us continue the fight to bring working class

representation to Congress by contributing today!


  Not me. Us!

In Solidarity,

Shaniyat Chowdhury


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Shaniyat Chowdhury
8 Manning Dr
NY, NY 11433
United States