
When Hillary Clinton called all Trump supporters “deplorables” it backfired! In California, we have a similar development -- and I need your help ASAP.

In response to Elon Musk threatening to move his company out of California because of the state’s toxic business environment, Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez tweeted “F*** You!”

Not only is this foul language completely unacceptable, but Gonzalez captured in one short tweet the arrogant and antagonistic attitude California politicians have towards businesses. Illegal immigrants get taxpayer-funded payouts and free health care while businesses are taxed, regulated, fined and now forcibly closed.

Reform California has an idea for a proper response to this foul tweet. We want to run a week of digital ads targeting business owners throughout California letting them know how state leaders feel about them -- and urging these business leaders to join our campaign to block tax hikes and job-killing laws like AB5.

Can you help us fund this week of ads with a contribution of any amount? I believe they will be highly effective in expanding our coalition!

CONTRIBUTE SECURELY: Business Outreach Ad Campaign

Do whatever you can to support this innovative response. For every new business owner we get to join our fight we can harness more resources to TAKE BACK CALIFORNIA!

Carl DeMaio
Reform California

PS: Please forward this email to ANY and ALL business owners or unemployed workers you know letting them know what state leaders think about them. Urge them to join Reform California here.