Jack add your name! Stand with Tulsi in support of essential workers.

Tulsi Gabbard for President


In time, there will be many lessons to learn from this pandemic—but none greater than the undeniable truth that our fates as individuals, as nations, and as a world, are inseparably linked.

That spirit of interconnectedness is embodied by the millions of Americans on the front lines of this crisis, who are sacrificing their own health and well-being to keep our country running.

Each day, these citizens are exposing themselves to new dangers—out of selfless recognition, we are all reliant upon one another. A virus cannot be fought alone.


The doctors and nurses caring for the sick; the grocery store clerks and delivery drivers keeping our shelves stocked and our people fed; the police, firefighters, and EMTs who must navigate challenges on a scale that they were never prepared for. The small businesses that have adapted to the needs of their communities, even while grappling with a deeply uncertain economic future.

In some cases, their mental and physical scars will last a lifetime. These Americans have our eternal gratitude.

But we owe them more than just words of thanks.

We must use the courage and selflessness they’ve displayed as an enduring lesson that it is our common humanity which binds us together.

That when an emergency technician suffers the emotional toll of treating patient after patient in critical condition, we all suffer along with him.

That when a chef worries whether she will ever be able to reopen her restaurant again, we all worry along with her.

And that when a family celebrates the recovery of a loved one, we all celebrate along with them.


Even for those of us making less onerous changes—by social distancing, wearing a mask while outdoors, checking in on elderly friends and relatives, and even accepting temporary restrictions on our cherished constitutional liberties—this collective sacrifice must serve as a reminder that our destinies are all intertwined.

And that the partisan animosities which so often dominate our politics are a mirage. No one asks the worker sanitizing a nursing home whether she is a Democrat or Republican. No one asks the trucker shipping essential supplies who he voted for in the last election.

That’s why I’m asking you today to reach out and support essential workers in your life—no matter their political leanings—and let them know you’re here for them while they’re here for us.

Recently, I sent letters to key members of the Trump administration urging them to take steps to prevent future shortages of PPE and support our front-line healthcare workers with reliable access to the life-saving equipment they need.

Add your name to the letter of support for essential workers.

Thank you to everyone playing a part in stopping the spread of this disease. Your resilience, resourcefulness, and determination inspires me. And it will guide us as we move forward from this crisis—to leave behind the forces of selfishness, division, and greed—and toward a future of dignity and aloha for all.

With warm aloha,