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Alert: Critical Legislative Action Needed!
The Missouri House has passed a bill, HB 1710, which was amended to include tax incentives to pharmaceutical research companies already in Missouri or coming to Missouri to develop vaccines and other pharmaceuticals, including vaccines for COVID 19. This bill was rushed through the House without pro-life protections that would prohibit these research firms from using fetal tissue (aborted babies) or human embryos. 

The bill is now in the Senate and will have a hearing Friday morning, May 8th. Missouri Right to Life has asked the Missouri Senate to amend this bill with pro-life protections that would prohibit these research firms from using fetal tissue (aborted babies) or human embryos. We need all pro-life Missourians to contact their Senators and reinforce our request for this critical pro-life amendment. The needed language is:
“No public funds shall be expended, paid, or granted to or on behalf of an existing or proposed research project that involves abortion services, human cloning, or prohibited human research, as those terms are defined under section 196.1127.”
Both Missouri state and national leaders have strongly encouraged the development of a vaccine for COVID 19 through ethical research. There is no necessity for creation or use of embryos, embryonic stem cells, fetal tissue and organs, or fetal cell lines. Numerous ethical alternatives already exist, modern and in many cases already proven. Ethically guided science and medicine is actually the best investment for success.
Please request that your Senator vote against this legislation if the Senate fails to amend it with the pro-life language. This legislation is being rushed through the process and could be considered by the full Senate even tomorrow. Please contact your Senator immediately to ask for pro-life protective language or failing that a “No” vote on HB 1710. 
In addition, please call Governor Parson’s office and extend your concerns about HB 1710 without pro-life protective language. His office number is: 573-751-3222
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