Thursday, May 7, 2020      


Call our office at 866-849-2536 to
schedule a speaker from
WFA or WFC for your next event!

More events are coming soon!
Habakkuk 2:14
Join NDOP-Madison

12-1 p.m. via ZOOM
Participate in "Drive Thru" 
Community Prayer
CLICK HERE for more information
SUNDAY, MAY 10, 2020

LEAD Wisconsin

A summer camp for teens
A ministry & program of
Wisconsin Family Council

Who:  Teens,13-19
When: August 2-7, 2020
Where: Camp will be held at Maranatha Baptist University, Watertown, WI
CLICK HERE for more information
Responding to the Transgender Issue:
Parent Resource Guide

This resource is fully researched and documented, defines terms,
explains the issue thoroughly and gives parents practical ways
to address the issue with their children and especially in schools.
A free pdf of the publication is available HERE
Call our WFC office at 888-378-7395 to obtain a print copy 
for a suggested donation of $5.
It is the mission of Wisconsin Family Action to advance Judeo-Christian principles and values in Wisconsin by strengthening, preserving, and
promoting marriage, family, life and religious freedom. Our vision is a Wisconsin where God is honored, families thrive, human life is cherished
and religious freedom flourishes.

CLICK here to invest in your family, faith, freedom and future!


Because of our desire to serve and help families, our ministry is making resources available that can be useful in creating a wise giving plan.
Click HERE for more information on how you can significantly impact the Kingdom while strengthening and building families.

Wisconsin's Cultural Indicators 2019

Click HERE to read more

Wisconsin's Cultural Indicators, 2019 Edition 
is now available online HERE or
by contacting our office
at 608-268-5074.
Get To Know Your Elected Officials
Wisconsin's 2019-2020
Legislative Directory
Now available for download
Click HERE to find out who your state and federal legislators are, along with their contact information.

Establish a relationship; let them know you are informed, interested, and involved. PRAY for your elected officials!  (I Tim. 2:1-4)

—Click HERE to view in web browser—

This is the month we give special honor to mothers. While the world pushes a false and dangerous belief that a man can be a mother to a child, God’s plan is decidedly clear and different. He created two distinct sexes—male and female and in the Garden of Eden brought them together as, in His words, husband and wife, with the capacity for procreation. Women, in God’s design, carry and bear children, making them mothers. Being a mother is a high and holy calling; and it is fitting that we give mothers special recognition and show them appropriate appreciation, especially this Sunday, Mothers' Day.
Our culture too often demeans motherhood, making it seem like a second-best choice for women. God sees motherhood very differently—and what God says about mothers, about marriage and family and the roles of dads and moms needs to be lived out in both word and deed. Families are the very best place to teach the next generation the truth about the dignity and worth of mothers.

PSSST! Hey, dads, today is Thursday. There’s still time for you and your kids to do something awesome for your wife and their mom for this Sunday, Mothers’ Day. Given all the changes we have right now, it’s really a perfect time to give some special attention to mom in recognition of her irreplaceable role in the lives of every family member. Some advice for dads: involve the kids in it all, keep it simple, and remember homemade is often the very best and most cherished gift a mom can receive. What’s important is mom knows how much her family loves and appreciates her.

Click HERE for some easy crafts, games, events and more to inspire creativity!
WFA president Julaine Appling says, "Someone has said the best thing a dad can do for his children is to love their mother. I think that’s very true. Mothers’ Day gives a dad a great opportunity to deepen his relationship with his children by plotting and planning to give mom a truly special and memorable day. Beyond that it shows his children how very much he loves their mother—and that is a priceless life lesson."

The Board and Staff of Wisconsin Family Action and Wisconsin Family Council wish all mothers everywhere a blessed, joy-filled Mother's Day!

Legislative Committee Votes Against Significant Immunization Changes

On Tuesday, May 5, the Wisconsin Joint Committee for Review of Administrative Rules (JCRAR) voted 6-4 vote to uphold the decision made by the Assembly Committee on Constitution & Ethics to strike out rules 1-5 in proposed rule changes related to immunizations for students via CR 19-079. Click HERE to watch the meeting on Wisconsin Eye (starts at 20:00).

Organizationally, Wisconsin Family Action takes no position on vaccines themselves, other than we do vigorously oppose mandating the HPV vaccine, which is strictly for sexually transmitted diseases and has at a minimum a dubious and some would allege an even dangerous track record.  We also do not take a position on whether parents should immunize their children. That said, we do aggressively defend parental rights, including the right of parents to make medical decisions for their children. We tracked these proposed rule changes and let parents know about them so they could give elected officials their opinion. We believe it is imperative that parents are informed so they are prepared to make important decisions for their children.

Based on what committee members said during the vote this past Tuesday, the vast majority of people who contacted their offices objected to these changes, which included redefining "substantial outbreak" to include chicken pox, redefining "substantial outbreak" as it relates to mumps, mandating a new vaccine to be administered in 7th grade, and requiring that parents get a diagnosis of chicken pox from a health care provider rather than self-report.

Bills will be introduced next session to completely kill these proposed changes. That will be the next step in this process. In the meantime, the Department of Health Services, which promulgated the changes, has no authority to implement them. Wisconsin Family Action will keep you updated.
Wisconsin Family Action, your voice in The Badger State for marriage, family, life and religious freedom. Click HERE to partner with us securely today! 

Who Showed Up For LIFE?

Congressman Jeff Duncan (R-SC, 3CD), Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Senator Tim Scott (R-SC), and Congressman Ralph Norman (R-SC, 5CD), along with 133 other Members of Congress, filed an amicus (friend-of-the-court) brief to the U.S. Supreme Court in support of states’ authority to choose Medicaid providers and defund Planned Parenthood.

“States have the right to deem their own Medicaid providers, and I stand with Governor McMaster’s lawful decision to ensure public funds don’t go to organizations that perform abortions, like Planned Parenthood,” said Congressman Jeff Duncan. 
Read more HERE.

"Out of 137 members of the US Senate and the US House who signed on to this important brief regarding states and abortion," said WFA president Julaine Appling, "I have to say I’m disappointed and a bit surprised that only one of Wisconsin’s congressional delegation signed on—and we have 9 possibilities. That member is Representative Glenn Grothman, a Republican from the Fond du Lac/Oshkosh area. Representative Grothman has a long history both as a state legislator and as a member of congress of being staunchly pro-life. He continues to live up to his reputation."

Wisconsin Family Action is 100% pro-life, from conception to natural death. Click HERE to support our critical work on your behalf for LIFE! 
ACTION ALERT! STOP Off-Reservation Casino in Beloit
Plans for the Ho-Chunk Nation’s $405 million casino in Beloit are heading to Governor Tony Evers’ desk after federal officials signed off on the project on April 17, 2020. 

Julaine Appling, WFA president, says, "A new casino in Beloit would be the first off-reservation casino of its kind in Wisconsin and would set a precedent for other tribes throughout the state. Gambling is a zero-sum game. Winner takes all; loser loses all he or she has in the game. Gambling is indiscriminate in this win-loss setup. Done legally, it’s no respecter of people, whether we’re talking buying lottery tickets or playing slots or table games at a casino or falling prey to the online daily fantasy sports games. Someone wins, and someone loses. Governor Evers needs to reject the Beloit casino and we, the people, need to be diligent in telling him so."

  • PRAY. Pray that Governor Evers rejects the proposed Beloit casino.
  • WRITE ONE LETTER: Regardless of where you live in Wisconsin, this decision will affect you at some point! Click HERE for information and examples to make writing a simple letter to the Governor super easy! (NOTE: Letters need to be in the mail quickly. Thank you!)
  • SIGN THE PETITION: Citizens Against Expanded Gambling has created a petition that will be going to the Governor's office to show him your strong opposition. CLICK HERE to sign the petition. Wisconsin Family Action is proud to be a front-line partner with Wisconsin Citizens Against Expanded Gambling.
Wisconsin Family Action is your voice for families in your community, in the state and in the legislature. Click HERE to partner with us securely today!


WEEKLY RADIO COMMENTARY. "WISCONSIN FAMILY CONNECTION" -  Airing this week on over 20 stations statewide. Read the transcript of this week's commentary HERE. Listen to this week's Wisconsin Family Connection, "When Two Isn't Better Than One.""HERE. Subscribe to our podcasts HERE! 

Week of April 27, 2020 - 
Virtual Learning in Wisconsin: Leveling the Playing Field
Week of April 20, 2020 - No, Governor Evers, We Don't Need Another Casino
Week of April 13, 2020 - Taking Advantage of Fear 
Week of April 6, 2020 - Pray for Those In Authority

"WISCONSIN FAMILY MINUTE" - A daily program for Christian radio stations! Click HERE for our daily program; listen or download! Click HERE to subscribe to your Wisconsin Family Minute podcasts! Find your local station HERE. If the Christian radio station you listen to isn't carrying "Wisconsin Family Minute," please encourage them to do so. Contact us at 866-849-2536 or [email protected]

WFC President Julaine Appling hosts VCY America's "Home Front" program every Wednesday afternoon (Sept.-May) at 3:15 p.m. Click HERE to listen as Julaine gives reminders about school choice deadlines, provides information on commemorating National Day of Prayer tomorrow, and provides some updates and insights on the coronavirus situation as it relates to how our government officials are dealing with it. Click HERE to subscribe to future Home Front podcasts!


Julaine Appling, WFC president, is a regular guest (one Monday per month) on VCY America’s TV 30 "InFocus" live, call-in program with Jim Schneider which airs on Monday evenings from 7:00-8:00 p.m. (Sept. through May). Livestream InFocus HERE. Julaine was most recently on "InFocus" with host Jim Schneider giving an election update on Monday, April 6, 2020. Click HERE to watch the archived episode. Julaine's next appearance on "InFocus" will be Monday, May 18, 2020.

Julaine Appling is a regular guest on Q90's "Stand Up for The Truth" program (9-10 a.m., M-F). CLICK HERE to listen to Julaine on the most recent "Stand Up for the Truth" program on Q90fm, hosted by David Fiorazo:  "Effects of Coronavirus on States, Businesses and Churches." Julaine's next appearance on "Stand Up for the Truth" will be on Thursday, May 14, at 9:00 a.m.

--WFA's president Julaine Appling is available to speak to your group, church, school, civic organization, and other events. Call 866-849-2536 to schedule.

--Dave Lingle, Wisconsin Family Council's Church Ambassador, is available to speak in churches. Call 920-342-1928 for more information.


Wisconsin Family Action is your voice for marriage, family, life and religious liberty in The Badger State.

Partner with us today!

Wisconsin Family Action
PO Box 7486 • Madison, WI 53707
866-849-2536 •

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