Spring Silicon Valley Green Team Forum:
How to Green Your Organization's 401(k)
Thursday, May 14, 1 - 3:30 PM PDT
Online Event

Gain the resources you need to make more sustainable investment choices at work while networking and learning from peers.

Please invite members of your HR and Finance departments to join us!
GTN green team network investing
Why this matters, especially now:
"Social and environmentally targeted themes underpinning impact investments are ultimately fundamental to a well-functioning, prosperous global economy" - The Pandemic Makes the Case for Impact Investing, Marisa Drew, Barron's (April 2020)

Event Highlights:
Presentation by R. Paul Herman, founder of HIP Investor
5 for 5 speaker panel
Action-oriented breakout sessions
Panel Presenters
Our panelists are Green Team members like you who are making progress greening their organizations' 401(k)s.

Andy Behar, As You Sow
Elizabeth Morgan, Genentech
Burke Pemberton, stok
Lauren Weston, Acterra
Serena Zhao, Adobe

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Sign up to access a wealth of online resources and follow all the latest news.
Thank you to our Green Team Network Sponsors:
Thank you to our Advisory Committee:

Neeharika Gupta, VMware
Amanda Johnston, Alcatraz Cruises
Rebecca Navarro, Palo Alto Unified School District
Kathleen Wong, Adobe
Acterra Events
Virtual Lecture
Chance Cutrano, Resource Renewal Institute
Wednesday, May 20
4:30 pm Pacific
"Linkages in the Landscape"
Business Environmental Awards Online Ceremony
Celebrating innovative and sustainable business practices
Thursday, May 28
4:30 pm Pacific
Acterra: Action for a Healthy Planet
3921 East Bayshore Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, 
650-962-9876, www.acterra.org
Acterra brings people together to create local solutions for a healthy planet.
We are a 501(c)(3)
© 2020