
After refusing to allow counties to start safely reopening the economy and announcing illegal immigrants will get $1000 payouts with taxpayer funds, Gov. Gavin Newsom today announces yet another offensive policy: the complete closure of all beaches and parks!

I need your help today a plan we’re developing to fight back!

Contribute Securely: Fight to Re-Open California Safely

Here are the immediate actions we are taking:

1) Tomorrow, Reform California will convene a statewide coalition meeting (virtually of course) with common-sense elected officials and activists in each region that have been organizing protests or supporting lawsuits against these mandates. The goal is to provide more professional and organized support to these efforts.

2) This weekend, Reform California will commission a scientific poll of California voters to determine the level of opposition to Newsom’s policies. No media outlet has done a poll yet — largely because they know the mandates and illegal immigrant payouts are wildly unpopular.

3) By early next week, we will have both the coalition meeting and polling done to guide our fight to restore sanity to California.

Can you help us with these two important efforts?

Contribute Securely: Fight to Re-Open California Safely

Please do what you can to help!


Carl DeMaio
Reform California

PS: We also need to get as many voters who oppose Newsom’s restrictions to connect with our effort by signing this petition. Please sign it yourself and share with your friends! Petition to Safely Re-Open California NOW