Donald Trump and Stephen Miller have made anti-immigrant hatred a cornerstone of this presidency. Together, they've overseen a program of travel bans, kids in cages, abuse of refugees, and shameless cruelty – all framed in inflammatory, racist language.

Even now, in the middle of a public health crisis, Trump and Miller have looked for ways to leverage the pandemic into an attack on immigration. Last week, Trump went public with his executive order to 'temporarily suspend immigration' into the United States. At the same time, Miller was privately telling right-wing extremist funders that the order was just a first step in a permanent reduction of immigration.

Then yesterday, this:

[Vox: Trump wants to use coronavirus aid as leverage to force blue states to change immigration policy]

They are threatening to deny help to Americans in order to fulfill racist campaign promises.

Trump and Miller will not stop. They'll seize any opportunity to abuse immigrant families. Many of their policies are designed not only to hurt immigrant families, but to frighten these communities into silence.

America has a long and rich history of welcoming those who are willing to work hard for a better life for themselves and their families. Immigrants are currently fighting on the frontlines of this pandemic as essential workers to keep us and our loved ones safe.

But even as they try to drag us backward, our movement is pushing ahead, so that everyone who calls America home is safe.

My Democratic colleagues in the Senate and I have been working to make sure immigrant families can access the resources and health care everyone deserves – without the threat of arrest or deportation. And you can bet we'll stop Trump and Miller's newest extremist power play as they try to force states to cooperate with their anti-immigrant measures.

In this country, no one should be too afraid to ask for help, or denied the care they need. And as we work to stop a virus that thrives when people don't join together to defeat it, we must look for ways to keep every one of us safe.

That's our goal, and that's why I'm proud to fight by your side.
