
The DeKalb County Democrats hosted a virtual debate last night — and Teresa hit it out of the park!

Teresa talked about her record as the first woman elected Mayor of Columbus and her experience as a federal litigator taking on corrupt corporate bullies like predatory lenders, drug companies and chemical conglomerates. She talked about her work with the U.S. Senate Banking Committee and multiple agencies to help make federal legislative and regulatory law bend toward justice.

Friend, Georgia has the opportunity to flip David Perdue’s seat blue, but we need to nominate the only candidate with a record of winning elections, governing and governing well and making history while doing so — that’s Teresa Tomlinson.

There are less than 48 hours to go before our end-of-month deadline, and we just began airing our first TV ad of the campaign. Hitting our $25,000 online fundraising goal is critical to keeping it on the air and winning this race. Make a contribution right now before it’s too late.


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—Team Tomlinson







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