
A global pandemic closing all schools should not have been the reason that last month was the first March since 2002 without a school shooting. It should have been because Congress took action to protect our children and teachers from gun violence.

But as long as Teresa’s opponent and the entire Republican majority are in the pocket of the NRA, that isn’t going to happen in Washington. That’s why she’s running to defeat David Perdue in Georgia and help Democrats nationally win a Senate majority.

We’re thrilled that Moms Demand Action sees the opportunity we have in Georgia to address gun violence on a national scale, and that Moms Demand Action has made Teresa one of their Gun Sense Senate candidates in 2020.



We need to win this race in order to take action in the Senate. Rush in a donation right now — we’re days away from our April deadline and are counting on your support.


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—Team Tomlinson







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