This is a great way to close out the week of Earth Day: another endorsement from a prominent environmental advocacy group – the Sierra Club!

Since its founding in 1892, Sierra Club has committed to:

  • promoting clean energy solutions to move the nation beyond dirty fossil fuels like coal, oil and dangerous nuclear power, and towards a safe, clean energy future built on energy efficiency, clean energy, and American innovation;
  • protecting America's wild places and wildlife; and
  • working to ensure public health and safe communities that are free of toxic air and water pollution.

Sierra Club has over 3.8 million members and supporters work to support candidates who share these values. It's an honor to be among their ranks!

You can help advance the efforts of organizations like the Sierra Club by standing up to Trump's Environmental Protection Agency.

They've been using the coronavirus outbreak to push through controversial policy changes that are harmful to the environment and our health.

Sign the petition and demand the EPA reverse these deregulation policies and put the health of Americans over the deep pockets of industry.
