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Alert level 3 hunting rules confirmed


The government has announced a confirmation of hunting rules during Alert level 3.

Hunting has been banned for the last 4 weeks due to Alert level 4 restrictions.

New Zealand First fought for hunters and this decision is great for many Kiwis who rely on hunting as a food source.


Alert level 3 hunting rules
Restrictions are in place to minimise the risk of injury and risk of transmission of Covid-19. Hunters must;

  • Stick to their region and their bubble
  • Hunt only on foot, no vehicles (quads, off-road bikes, etc) are allowed
  • Not make overnight trips
  • Hunt on private land only, no hunting on public conservation land


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Duck hunting season
The Duck hunting season is being postponed from Saturday 2 May to the second weekend after that date that is decided for when New Zealand moves to Alert Level 2.

This decision was made in consultation with the New Zealand Fish and Game Council.

We welcome the decision made today and will watch for further developments with interest.

At Alert level 2, we know that public conservation land will open and that hunting permits applications will be reassessed.

We thank everyone who engaged with our hunting survey.





Authorised by Rt Hon Winston Peters,?Parliament Buildings,?Molesworth Street, Pipitea, Wellington 6011

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