It's Earth Day.

Today, I want to take the opportunity to thank my friends at the League of Conservation Voters for taking notice of our campaign's efforts on climate change – we earned a 100% on their 2019 scorecard.

I'm proud to be endorsed by LCV.

Advocacy from organizations like the League of Conservation Voters has been critical during the Trump presidency. Trump has sought to undermine each of our hard-fought environmental victories – even during the COVID-19 epidemic. In the midst of a global public health emergency, President Trump and the Trump administration continued rolling back environmental standards that were put in place to protect people's health and welfare.

He never misses a chance to put corporate greed ahead of the public interest.

Trump's Environmental Protection Agency has been using the coronavirus outbreak to push through controversial policy changes that are extremely harmful to the environment and our health. The EPA has just:

  • issued a sweeping suspension of its enforcement of environmental laws;
  • told companies they would not need to meet environmental standards during the coronavirus outbreak;
  • allowed bad actors to skirt environmental laws without penalties;
  • failed to set an end date, effectively creating an indefinite free-for-all.

This is just another example of the Trump administration exploiting the coronavirus crisis to deregulate industry – and we won't stand for it. Sign the petition and demand the EPA reverse these deregulation policies and put the health of Americans over the deep pockets of industry.

Thank you for standing with me, on Earth Day – and every day.
