
Last year, I launched an effort through Reform California to block the new sales tax hike that was scheduled to appear on this November’s ballot. We held 14 Town Halls and collected more than 56,000 signatures to organize the campaign to defeat this unfair tax hike.

Yesterday we got word that the measure is now DEAD! Surely the Coronavirus played a big part in this, but so did our early aggressive efforts to organize the opposition campaign.

Unfortunately, our work is not yet done. As you know, state politicians are backing an initiative on the November ballot to gut Prop 13 and impose a massive property tax hike.

If you have not already done so, please sign up to join me this Monday, April 20 at 11am for a VIRTUAL Town Hall meeting on the campaign we’re leading to block ANY statewide or local tax hikes that appear on the November ballot.

With the Coronavirus creating economic turmoil, we need to send a strong and EARLY message to state politicians: NO MORE TAX HIKES!

Hope you can join me virtually on Monday!


Carl DeMaio
Reform California

PS: if you can't attend the Virtual Town Hall on Monday, please consider contributing whatever you can to Reform California so we can block these tax hikes. Here’s the secure contribution link