Hey there John -- 
I wanted to send a quick note today to say I received some great feedback after my message this morning. Like I said, it can be stressful to keep track of everything happening right now, and my new video series is meant to make it a little easier to understand what South Sound residents need to know during the COVID-19 crisis. Many of you also contributed to my campaign. I can’t thank you enough for that -- we are now $3,427 away from our goal. 
We are at a crossroads right now in our democracy where we must decide who our government is going to fight for and what it’s going to use its power to do. If we have learned anything these past months, it’s that government is an essential place for people to come together to face big challenges. I’m running for Congress because I believe we need bold, visionary leadership to solve the climate crisis and to finally expand access to affordable healthcare to every American family. But I need you with me. 
If we can raise just $3,427 more by midnight tonight, we can run the kind of grassroots campaign we need to run to get our message out to voters and win in November. If we start falling short of our goals now, we need to consider cutting critical campaign infrastructure, like outreach and communications. I’m afraid to let that happen. Can you help me fix this? 
If it feels right, please consider chipping in $25, $50, or whatever you can right now. Here’s the link: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/gardnerforcongress
We may be in isolation right now, but I rest easy knowing this campaign can count on you. Thanks for everything you do. 
  Paid for by Phil Gardner for Congress  
Phil Gardner for Congress
P.O. Box 2766
Olympia, WA 98507
United States