From Donald J. Trump <[email protected]>
Subject I need an immediate endorsement from YOU
Date May 22, 2024 9:33 AM
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ENDORSE TRUMP <[link removed]> <[link removed]>ALERT FROM DONALD TRUMP:

Eric & Lara Trump endorsed me.

Cory Mills endorsed me.

Byron Donalds endorsed me.

Vivek Ramaswamy endorsed me.

Before the final verdict in my RIGGED Biden trial, I need you to ENDORSE TRUMP TOO > <[link removed]>

ENDORSE TRUMP <[link removed]> <[link removed]>Democrats thought my campaign would never make it this far.

They thought a RIGGED TRIAL would cause my supporter to abandon hope - but THEY WERE WRONG!

Instead, MILLIONS of True Trump Patriots like YOU are rallying behind me as I take on the Deep State.

Will you PLEASE join them? I NEED YOU TO ENDORSE TRUMP > <[link removed]>

ENDORSE TRUMP <[link removed]>Thank you,

<[link removed]> <[link removed]>Donald J. Trump

45th President of the United States

ENDORSE TRUMP <[link removed]> <[link removed]>


Paid for by Trump National Committee JFC, a joint fundraising committee composed of and authorized by Donald J. Trump for President 2024, Inc. and the Republican National Committee.


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