From Sarah Newby <[email protected]>
Subject A Special Thank You For Your Unwavering Support!
Date May 17, 2024 9:53 AM
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Dear John, <[link removed]>

In times of adversity, I am reminded of the resilience we share as Republicans. I've seen neighbors stand shoulder to shoulder, rebuilding after storms—literally and metaphorically. Our spirit and resolve echoed in each hammer swing and handshake.

Our collective struggles do more than test us; they unite us <[link removed]> in a common purpose to support the values that make this nation great.

We're reaching out to loyal supporters like you to sustain this momentum <[link removed]>.

Opposition forces are relentless, but so are we. <[link removed]> We remain steadfast in advocating for smaller government, robust national security, and the sanctity of our constitutional rights.

CONTRIBUTE $30 OR MORE TODAY <[link removed]> and help us rise to the challenges ahead. As a token of our immense gratitude, we'll send you a surprise thank you gift in recognition of your commitment.

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Every contribution powers our journey <[link removed]>—a journey we are on together, to keep the heart of our nation beating strong.

Your support does not go unnoticed. In fact, our records show you're one of our TOP REPUBLICANS in your community.

If you believe in a future steered by conservative values, let's continue to march forward. Your financial backing is not just appreciated; it's essential as we approach the next critical phase of our campaign.

CLAIM YOUR MYSTERY GIFT <[link removed]>

Sarah Newby
Finance Director, North Carolina Republican Party

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Paid for by North Carolina Republican Party and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. 1506 Hillsborough St, Raleigh, NC 27605, United States.


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North Carolina Republican Party, 1506 Hillsborough St, Raleigh, NC 27605, United States

Contributions to North Carolina Republican Party are not tax deductible for federal income tax purposes.

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