I first heard about Bernie years ago when he spoke out against the Iraq War as a member of Congress. I was proud to be the first Mayor in Georgia to endorse him in 2016 and again in 2020.

I first heard about Bernie years ago when he spoke out against the Iraq War as a member of Congress. I was proud to be the first Mayor in Georgia to endorse him in 2016 and again in 2020. 
It was an honor to shake his hand when he came to Atlanta to campaign for progressives like Vincent Fort back in 2017. Bernie inspired so many young leaders to push forward progressive change at all levels of our society. 
Because of him, I was encouraged to lead as Mayor in decriminalizing marijuana possession, raising the minimum wage to $15/hr and making election day a holiday. We went on to commit to 100% clean energy, ban LGBTQ discrimination, expand walking and bicycling paths, and approve the first tiny home neighborhood in the state. 
The truth is that Bernie already won. The critical issues of our generation were moved to the forefront of our political dialogue because of the movement that he led. From getting big money out of politics, to taking bold action on climate change, to universal Medicare for All, now widely popular ideas. 
It is on us to continue the work. We must make change up and down the ballot in 2020, we must help elect progressives at all levels in 2020. We must continue the work we've started. Do it for Bernie. Do it for US.
Thank you, Senator Bernie Sanders, for all you have done, on behalf of working families in this country, fighting for a bold progressive vision. 
Thank you for working tirelessly to support electing progressives up and down the ballot, across the nation. 
Thank you for inspiring us to believe that real change is possible. 
Thank you for leading by example, and motivating us to be that change we wish to see in the world.
Thank you.


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Ted Terry is the former mayor of Clarkston, Georgia - the most ethnically diverse square mile in America.
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977 Montreal Road #1030
Clarkston, GA, 30021


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