Friend, there isn’t much that needs to be said.

While much of the national focus has been rightfully directed towards U.S. Sen. Kelly Loeffler’s financial portfolio activity following the Senate briefing on coronavirus in January, it appears that David Perdue also may have used insider information to his financial advantage while publicly applauding the Trump administration’s woefully inadequate response to the virus.

As hundreds of thousands of Americans are sick with the coronavirus, medical personnel do not have the personal protective equipment or ventilators needed to deal with the crisis, and thousands of people are dying, Georgia Senators look to be self-dealing.

Georgia’s U.S. Senators have failed us. We cannot allow David Perdue to ride the chaos and the public’s fear into a second term in office. We cannot afford six more years of selfish greed from the highest levels of public service. He does not deserve to serve.

That’s why we need you to rush in a donation right now so that our campaign has the resources to fight back and defeat David Perdue this November. Will you donate?


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We cannot allow this public corruption to go unchallenged. That’s why all of us need to act together — Teresa cannot do it alone. Thank you for stepping up.

—Team Tomlinson







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