Dear Friend,
Thanks to swift and generous support from friends like you to the Makk Family Relief Fund, we were able to provide thousands of Graham kids and families with emergency relief this month to ensure their wellbeing during the COVID19 pandemic, including:
  • 400+ bags of groceries and basic necessities delivered to their homes;

  • 24/7 onsite care for our young people on Graham’s campus;

  • Relocation services for our college students as well as academic assistance to keep them on track to graduation;

  • Remote tutoring and distance learning technology, including 125 laptops, 22 routers, and 118 MiFi’s with 3 months of connectivity;

  • Onsite staff at our community center for kids in need of a safe haven; and

  • Online emotional and mental health programming for 1,000+ families.
Beyond these quantifiable improvements, your care and generosity lift the spirits of countless New Yorkers, including our heroic essential staff who put it on the line day-in, day-out in service of New York’s kids and families. You are a source of hope and strength for so many. Thank you for staying with us.
May you and yours be safe and healthy.
With abundant gratitude,
Jess Dannhauser
President & CEO
"Can I show you what I'm proudest of? I established the first private orphanage in New York City."
Eliza Hamilton
Founder of Graham Windham, from the musical "Hamilton"