From Paul Maynard MP <[email protected]>
Subject Join me for my next Coffee Morning
Date May 1, 2024 12:11 PM
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18th May, Strawberry Gardens, Fleetwood.

** Coffee Morning, 18th May, 1030, Strawberry Gardens, Poulton Road, Fleetwood

** Join Paul Maynard and friends at a Coffee Morning on 18th May starting at 1030 to be held at the Strawberry Gardens, Poulton Road, Fleetwood.

Dear john,

I am hosting a coffee morning on 18th May at the Strawberry Gardens starting at 1030 and I would like to invite you. I host these coffee morning every so often and I find then a friendly affair - so new people are more than welcome. On offer will be tea and coffee, home made cakes and other sweet treats, and a selection of sandwiches. Tickets cost just £5. As always there will be a raffle, so contributions towards that always welcome.

If you'd like to come, reply to this email or click on the blue button below. You can pay on the door with either cash or card. I look forward to seeing you there.

Kind regards,

Paul Maynard MP
Blackpool North & Cleveleys and Parliamentary Candidate for Blackpool North & Fleetwood.
I would like to book ( ) ticket(s) to Paul Maynard MP's coffee morning on 18th May at the Strawberry Gardens, Fleetwood. (mailto:[email protected]?subject=Coffee%20Morning%2018th%20May&body=I%20would%20like%20to%20book%20(%20%20%20%20%20)%20ticket(s)%0A%0AName%0A%0AAddress)

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