Andrei has racked up major endorsements from leaders and groups across the country, including President Bill Clinton, League of Conservation Voters, Brady PAC, and more!

Paid for by Andrei for Arizona


As we close out the first month of the quarter, we wanted to give you an update on our progress to defeat extremist Republican David Schweikert and elect Andrei to Congress, where he can make progress on the issues that matter to everyday Arizonans.

But before we do, will you please make a donation to help keep up our tremendous momentum? We know AZ-01 is flippable and Andrei is the candidate who can win, but we need your support to make it happen.

We’re now less than 100 days away from our July 30 primary, and the stakes in our race have never been higher. Arizonans face a near-total ban on abortion dating back to the 1800s, and women across this country are seeing their reproductive freedoms further eroded day by day.

AZ-01 is the #1 battleground district in the country. Democrats need to flip four seats in order to retake the House majority, and we must keep Donald Trump and Kari Lake out of the White House and the Senate. That will all happen right here in our district, and Andrei is the candidate who will lead us to victory this November.

Andrei is the only challenger in the country to outraise the Republican incumbent during every quarter of the race. He’s also racked up major endorsements from leaders and groups across the country, including President Bill Clinton, League of Conservation Voters, Brady PAC, and more!

This is exactly the kind of momentum Andrei needs to win the election, but ensuring a victory this fall will require us to sustain this momentum over the upcoming months. That’s where you come in, John. Andrei isn’t taking a dime from corporate PACs, so we are relying on grassroots contributions to fuel our fight.

Can you make a contribution today to power Andrei’s campaign to victory? Defeating Republican extremist David Schweikert won’t be an easy task, but it’s one we can accomplish if we all work together.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thanks so much for supporting Andrei’s campaign. With your help, we will elect Andrei, flip the House, and deliver real progress for Arizona.

Finance Team
Andrei for Arizona